Apple & Pear ciders

Apple & Pear ciders

An apple a day...

A feel of Brittany and Normandie, all the way into the Swiss countryside of Fribourg, thank to cider! Its production is indeed taking over again in all corners of Europe and the world for a few years now. A phenomena that's driven by that fresh, low-alcohol, fruity yet mineral drink that's beautifully expressing the terroir in its own way.

18 products

Apples, pears, quinces

 Trois pépins

All three seed fruits can be used to producer ciders. The very famous Jacques Perritaz from the Cidrerie du Vulcain has actually his very own "Trois Pépins" cuvée, where he blends apples, pears and quinces, all three bringing their very own touch into the mix. Cider, very often lower in alcohol than beer or wine, is a very refreshing drink, light, fruity and thirst-quenching. But beware! That should let you think ciders aren't complex at all, as it's quite the opposite and some cuvées can show off beautiful mineral notes, ripe tannins and a depth that are only known to Grands Crus. Tradition in cider making is a very old and long-standing one, and it's coming back in fashion since a few years now, as more and more smaller craftspeople and producers are starting their own apple and pear ciders production, often with fruits they find abandoned in orchards around their home place, left there by farmers who don't know how to turn them into liquid gold...

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