Terms of use

Terms of use

This website is owned by the company more than wine SA, a public limited company under Swiss law, domiciled in Neuchâtel and registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Neuchâtel, under the identifier CHE-373.856.317.

General Terms & Conditions

Any order on the site www.more-than-wine.com is subject to the acceptance of the General Terms & Conditions.

Legal drinking age

The sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited by Swiss law, any person ordering on our site must be over 18 years old at the time of ordering.


Unless otherwise stated, all photographs and text used on this website are the property of more than wine SA and are subject to copyright. Any use of the aforementioned content must be subject to a written request for authorisation. We reserve the right to refuse any external use of our content.

The different maps used to illustrate the countries of our artisans are taken from © Free Vector Maps.

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